361. Szlomo 'Sam' ZGNILEK (1926-2003)
Born: Dec. 24, 1926 Died: Sep. 17, 2003 Burial: Sep. 18, 2003 Age: 76
Spouse: Genia
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362. Freda KLUG SEAL (1935-2017)
Born: Apr. 16, 1935 Died: Dec. 16, 2017 Age: 82
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363. Ralph SEAL (1935-2018)
Born: Aug. 29, 1935 Died: Apr. 9, 2018 Age: 82
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364. Roslyn POSLUNS MILLER (1945-2007)
Died: 29 Cheshvan 5768
Born: Sep. 28, 1945 Montreal, QC Died: Nov. 9, 2007 Burial: Nov. 13, 2007 Age: 62
Father: Solly Mother: Ruth Spouse: Michael Marvin
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365. Michael Marvin MILLER (1940-2010)
Born: May 28, 1940 Montreal, QC Died: Sep. 3, 2010 Burial: Sep. 5, 2010 Age: 70
Father: Herman Mother: Bella Spouse: POSLUNS, Roslyn
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366. Issie Ignatz FAYERMAN (1919-2001)
Name: Yitzhak Leib bar Ya'acov
Born: Jul. 15, 1919 Died: Jun. 3, 2001 Burial: Jun. 5, 2001 Age: 81
Spouse: BRUCK, Sala
Relations: Husband, Father, Brother, Uncle
Notes: Loving brother of the late Henry Fayerman and all his brothers and sisters who perished in the Holocaust.
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367. Sala BRUCK FAYERMAN (1917-1999)
Born: Apr. 15, 1917 Died: Aug. 22, 1999 Age: 82
Spouse: Issie
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368. Dina WENER COHEN (1907-2002)
Born: Nov. 17, 1907 Montreal, QC Died: Sep. 15, 2002 Burial: Sep. 19, 2002 Age: 94
Spouse: Lou 'Laz'
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369. Lazarus 'Lou' COHEN (1905-1992)
Born: 1905 Died: May 13, 1992 Age: 87
Spouse: WENER, Dina
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370. Sadie PORTNOFF CAPLAN (1920-1996)
Born: Mar. 9, 1920 Montreal, QC Died: Dec. 14, 1996 Age: 76
Spouse: Alec
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371. Alec CAPLAN (1914-2001)
Born: Feb. 16, 1914 Montreal, QC Died: Aug. 29, 2001 Burial: Aug. 30, 2001 Age: 87
Spouse: PORTNOFF, Sadie
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372. Perry ELSTEIN (1915-2003)
Born: Oct. 17, 1915 Died: Aug. 27, 2003 Burial: Aug. 29, 2003 Age: 87
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373. Rose ABRAMOVITCH ELSTEIN (1920-1998)
Born: Dec. 14, 1920 Montreal, QC Died: Jan. 28, 1998 Age: 77
Spouse: Perry
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374. Isadore GOLDBERG (1925-2020)
Born: Jun. 7, 1925 Died: Feb. 4, 2020 Burial: Feb. 7, 2020 Age: 94
Father: Jack Mother: Rebecca
Notes: WWII veteran
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375. Ben Zion GOLDBERG (1914-1992)
Born: Jul. 18, 1914 Died: Feb. 2, 1992 Age: 77
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376. Max GOLDMAN Notary (1925-2017)
Born: May 16, 1925 Died: Feb. 24, 2017 Burial: Feb. 26, 2017 Age: 91
Spouse: LABKOV, Millicent
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377. Millicent LABKOV GOLDMAN (1927-2005)
Born: May 27, 1927 Montreal, QC Died: Jul. 11, 2005 Burial: Jul. 13, 2005 Age: 78
Spouse: Max
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378. Nathan FITELOVITCH (1919-2013)
Born: Nov. 11, 1919 Died: Jan. 13, 2013 Burial: Jan. 15, 2013 Age: 93
Spouse: STROMINGER, Martha
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Died: May 14, 2022 Burial: May 16, 2022
Spouse: Nathan
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380. Benny GRANNER (1916-1993)
Born: Aug. 19, 1916 Died: Sep. 21, 1993 Age: 77
Spouse: GOLDSTEIN, Shirley
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381. Shirley GOLDSTEIN GRANNER (1920-2005)
Born: Nov. 24, 1920 Montreal, QC Died: Jun. 14, 2005 Burial: Jun. 17, 2005 Age: 84
Spouse: Benny
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382. Nancy CORBER HERSH (1915-1993)
Born: Jul. 27, 1915 Died: Dec. 3, 1993 Age: 78
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383. Harry HERSH (1912-1998)
Born: Jun. 14, 1912 Montreal, QC Died: Jul. 28, 1998 Age: 86
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384. Frank HOPKINS (1918-2004)
Name: Ephraim bar Pesach
Born: Feb. 22, 1918 Montreal, QC Died: May 3, 2004 Burial: May 5, 2004 Age: 86
Father: Paul Mother: ULENETSKY, Esther Spouse: SILVERSTONE, Anne
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385. Anne SILVERSTONE HOPKINS (1912-2005)
Name: Chana bat Aaron
Born: Dec. 18, 1912 Died: Jan. 4, 2005 Burial: Jan. 7, 2005 Age: 92
Spouse: Frank
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386. Terry MALINSKY JACOBSON (1925-2015)
Born: Jan. 27, 1925 Died: Jul. 25, 2015 Burial: Jul. 27, 2015 Age: 90
Spouse: Abraham
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387. Abraham H. JACOBSON (1924-1998)
Born: Apr. 3, 1924 Montreal, QC Died: Oct. 1, 1998 Age: 74
Spouse: MALINSKY, Terry
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388. Melvin SHOOT (1933-1989)
Born: Jul. 29, 1933 Died: Feb. 17, 1989 Age: 55
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389. Mendel MOISE (1909-1995)
Born: Feb. 24, 1909 Died: Nov. 7, 1995 Age: 86
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390. Tilly MOISE (1909-2002)
Born: Aug. 22, 1909 Died: Jan. 2, 2002 Age: 92
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