23. Hannah Gitel 'Annie' FREEDMAN COHOS (1868-1954)
Name: Hannah Gitel bat Yaakov
Died: 28 Sivan 5715
Born: Apr. 15, 1868 Podu Iloaiei, Romania Died: Jun. 18, 1954 Age: 86
Spouse: Hirsh
Source: GenealogieQuebec.com Deaths confirms birth, maiden name, death 1954-06-18
Notes: Married: 1888-12-10; Immigrated 1920-10-22; Naturalized: 1938; Hebrew date corresponds to 1955-06-18
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24. Hirsh 'Harry' COHOS (1865-1943)
Name: Tsvi bar Moshe Mendel
Born: Jan. 22, 1865 Died: May 31, 1943 Age: 78
Spouse: FREEDMAN, Hannah Gitel
Notes: Married: 1888-12-10; Immigrated 1920-10-22; Naturalized: 1938
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29. Abraham KOHOS (1874-1948)
Name: Avraham Yitzchak bar Moshe Mendel
Born: Dec. 28, 1874 Iasi, Romania Died: Nov. 8, 1948 Burial: Nov. 10, 1948 Age: 73
Spouse: ABER, Ernestine
Relatives: Wife Ernestine
Record Report ResearchNews News Geni
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30. Ernestine ABER KOHOS (1879-1958)
Name: Esther Frida bat Moshe
Born: Jul. 4, 1879 Died: Nov. 17, 1958 Age: 79
Father: ABER, Moses Mother: HIRSH, Annie Spouse: Abraham
Relatives: Husband Abraham
Record Report ResearchGeni
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67. Abraham ROSENBLOOM (1894-1952)
Name: Avraham bar Gershon HaLevi
Born: 1894 Died: Mar. 15, 1952 Burial: Mar. 16, 1952 Age: 58
Father: Gerhson Mother: SHASTOWSKY, Gittel Spouse: SHOUB, Sonia
Record Report Research
B6 KEo_3_13_
68. Sonia SHOUB ROSENBLOOM (1899-1980)
Name: Sasha Elka bat Mordechai Shlomo
Born: 1899 Died: Apr. 11, 1980 Age: 81
Father: Modechai Schlomo 'Max' Mother: SCHNEIDER, Sarah Spouse: Abraham
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90. Harry EKLOVE (1911-1955)
Name: Raphael Tzvi bar Yisroel Ziskind
Born: 1911 Died: Jul. 26, 1955 Montreal, QC Burial: Jul. 28, 1955 Age: 44
Spouse: LEFFELL, Jessie
Record Report ResearchNews
B6 KEo_4_8_
98. Harry LITNER (1879-1963)
Name: Hersh bar Yitzhak haLevi
Died: 18 Adar 5723
Born: 1879 Died: Mar. 14, 1963 Age: 84
Relatives: Wife Netty
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Name: Esther Bela bat Eliahu
Born: 1873 Died: May 22, 1951 Age: 78
Spouse: Harris
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177. Fannie HERSHCOVITCH PERKUS (1890-1925)
Name: Faiga bat Reuben
Died: 14 Tishrei 5686
Born: 1890 Romania Died: Oct. 2, 1925 Age: 35
Father: Reuben Mother: ORENSTEIN, Shlima Spouse: Isaac
Source: 1911-03-30 Chevra Shaas marriage record of Isaac PERKUS and Fanny HERSHCOVITCH, born in Romania, daughter of Reuben and Shlima ORENSTEIN
Notes: Keneder Adler obituary for Penny PERKUS indicates date of death as 1925-10-01
Record Report ResearchKenederAdler
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189. Anne YAFFE (1881-1908)
Name: Anna Chasha
Died: Succot 5669
.....אנא חשא בת.......עזבה את עולמה בת כ"ז שנה ביום........של סוכות שנת תרסט.....
Translation: ... Anna Chasha ... died aged 27 on the.........day of Succot 5669....
Born: 1881 Died: Oct. 1908 Age: 27
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B6 KEo_8A_43_
Stone: surface disintegrating
192. Fannie SHERMAN (1902-1911)
Name: Fayneh bat Shmuel
Died: 25 Shevat 5671
פ"נ הילדה פיינא בת ר' שמואל נפטרה בת ט' שנים כ"ה שבט שנת תרעא תנצבה
Translation: Here lies the girl Fayneh the daughter of Shmuel, died aged 9, on the 25th of Shevat 5671
Born: 1902 Died: Feb. 23, 1911 Age: 9
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193. Mink LEIBOVITCH (1907-1911)
Name: Minka bat Eliezar
Born: 1907 Died: Nov. 15, 1911 Age: 4 years 6 months
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196. Israel LITNER (1898-1909)
Name: Eliyahu ben Tzvi Hirsh
Born: 1898 Died: Jan. 18, 1909 Age: 11
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288. Feige Sore RACHLENSKY (1852-1921)
Name: Feiga Sarah bat Avraham
Born: 1852 Died: Jun. 27, 1921 Age: 69
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297. Lea RUDNER (1865-1917)
Name: Leah bat Yisroel haCohen
Born: 1865 Died: May 17, 1917 Age: 52
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309. Abraham SPECTOR (1878-1951)
Name: Avraham bar Aizik
Born: 1878 Died: Dec. 2, 1951 Age: 74
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335. Esther ABRAMOVITCH (1920-1940)
Name: Ester Sima bat Yitzhak
Born: 1920 Died: Jan. 15, 1940 Age: 20
Record Report Research
B6 KEo_11A_34_
Stone: raised letters
355. Clara WECHLER (1904-1926)
Name: Chaya bat Yoel
Died: 1 Elul 5686
Born: 1904 Died: Aug. 10, 1926 Age: 22
Record Report Research
B6 KEo_11A_54_
356. Gitel STOTLAND (1888-1926)
Name: Gitel bat Reuven
Born: 1888 Died: May 14, 1926 Age: 38
Record Report Research
B6 KEo_11A_55_
407. Eva SINGER FELDMAN (1887-1936)
Name: Chava Ruchel bat Mordecai
Died: 21 Nisan 5696
Born: 1887 Died: Apr. 13, 1936 Age: 49
Spouse: Max
Relatives: Husband Max
Record Report ResearchKenederAdler
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411. H. SCHNEIDER (1879-1943)
Name: Tzvi Menasheh bar Ya'akov Yehuda
Died: 14 Nissan 5703
פ"נ איש חשיב צבי מנשה בר' יעקב יהודה נפ' י"ד ניסן תש"ג תנצבה
Translation: Here lies an important man, Tzvi Menasheh, the son of Ya'akov Yehuda, died the 14th of Nissan 5703
Born: 1879 Died: Apr. 19, 1943 Age: 64
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426. Michael JOFFE (1894-1945)
Name: Michal bar Shalom Moshe
Born: 1894 Died: Dec. 5, 1945 Age: 52
Spouse: ROSENTHAL, Rose
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440. Sam YASHINOFF (1905-1937)
Name: Ya'acov Shmuel bar Yisrael Beinish
Born: 1905 Died: Aug. 7, 1937 Age: 32
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447. W. MILLER (-1934)
Name: Ze'ev bar Meir Yosef haCohen
Died: Jul. 9, 1934
Record Report Research
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462. Abraham T. RUDNER (1865-1919)
Name: Avrom Tovia bar Yehudah Dov Nafmar
Born: 1865 Died: Feb. 2, 1919 Age: 54
Record Report Research
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467. M. NOVAK (1866-1920)
Name: Yechiel Michal bar Shaul
Died: 24 Sivan 5680
פ"נ איש נכבד תם וישר ר' יחיאל מיכל(*) בר' שאול נפטר כ"ד סיון תרפ תנצבה
Translation: Here lies an honourable man, faultless and righteous, Yechiel Michal, the son of Shaul, died the 24th of Sivan 5680
Born: 1866 Died: Jun. 10, 1920 Age: 54
Record Report Research
B6 KEo_13_36_
Stone: faded
478. Ely ELKIN (1880-1928)
Name: Eliahu bar Eliahu
Born: 1880 Died: Sep. 25, 1928 Age: 48
Spouse: GOODMAN, Sara Riva
Record Report ResearchGeni
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482. Abraham 'Abie' PALEVSKY (1889-1930)
Name: Avraham Dov bar Yosef
Died: 3 Av 5690
Born: Apr. 3, 1889 Romania Died: Jul. 28, 1930 Age: 41
Father: Joseph Moshe Mother: RUDMAN, Mina Gita 'Minnie' Spouse: KANNER, Jennie
Relatives: Wife Jennie
Record Report ResearchKenederAdler Geni
B6 KEo_13_52_
505. Harris APPLE (1867-1940)
Name: Tsvi bar Melech
Born: 1867 Died: Mar. 8, 1940 Age: 73
Spouse: SILBERSHER, Esther
Record Report Research
B6 KEo_14_12_
506. M. YAROS (-1940)
Name: Moshe Yitzhak bar Dov Ber haLevi
Died: Jan. 3, 1940
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517. A. PINSKY (1848-1930)
Name: Eliyahu bar Natanel
Died: 5 Elul 5690
פ"נ איש נכבד וזקן ר' אליהו בר' נתנאל נפטר ה' אלול תרץ בן פ"ה שנה תנצבה
Translation: Here lies an honourable old man, Eliyahu, the son of Natanel, died the 5th of Elul 5690 aged 85
Born: 1848 Died: Aug. 29, 1930 Age: 82
Record Report Research
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520. S. ZETOVITCH (1873-1925)
Name: Zalman bar Aryeh Leib
Born: 1873 Died: Oct. 17, 1925 Age: 52
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521. Harris SILVERSTONE (1870-1910)
Name: Chaim Tzvi bar Raphael Shlomo
Died: 18 Iyyar 5670
Born: 1870 Poland Died: May 27, 1910 Age: 40
Source: 1901 census for birth year, place
Notes: Hebrew date is Lag BaOmer 5670 (18 Iyyar 5670)
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527. M. CRIEN (1866-1911)
Name: Moshe bar Eliezar
Born: 1866 Died: Jul. 26, 1911 Age: 45
Record Report Research
B6 KEo_14_34_
Stone: broken after 2007
529. M. WELINSKY (1873-1916)
Name: Mordecai Meir bar Tzvi
Born: 1873 Died: Aug. 20, 1916 Age: 43
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548. Bernie M. BREGMAN (1921-1926)
Name: Dov Meir bar Moshe
Died: 5 Shvat 5686
Born: 1921 Died: Jan. 20, 1926 Age: 4 years 6 months
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549. Morton SCHECTER (1922-1931)
Name: Moshe bar Yoel Halevi
Born: Oct. 3, 1922 Died: May 20, 1931 Age: 8
Record Report Research
B6 KEo_14_58_
Stone: cracked tree
558. Leah ...MAN
Name: Leah bat Chaim
Died: 28 Shevat
Age: 2
Record Report Research
B6 KEo_9A_59_
Stone: broken

Records shown: 39