Johshua Joshua USHER (1895 - 1896)

Cemetery Back River Cemeteries
Location Section B'nai Jacob Extension Line 5 Grave 1 GPS Map
Given Names Johshua Joshua
Surname USHER
Hebrew Text פ"נ הילד יהושיע בן מרדכי ארשער נפטר ביום שבת ב' ימים לחודש שבט שנת תרנו פה מאטריאל תנצבה - מ. ארשער
פ"נ הי' יהושיע אשער ב' לח' שבט תרנו
Hebrew Name Yehoshia bar Mordechai ARSHER
Hebrew Date 2 Shevat 5656
Translation Here lies the boy Yehoshia, the son of Mordechai ARSHER, died the 2nd of Shevat 5656, here in Montreal. Here lies the boy Yehoshia ASHER, the 2nd of Shevat 5656.
Birth Date 1895 Dec 25
Death Date 1896 Jan 23
Death Place Montreal, QC
Burial Date 1896 Jan 23
Death Age 4 weeks
Father Marks
Comments/Notes Hebrew date corresponds to 1896-01-17. Base of stone shows M. USHER on 3 sides.
Gravestone four-sided stone
Image Photo taken 2007
Image Photo taken 2018; source of longer Hebrew inscription; M. ARSHER at base of stone.
Image Photo taken 2018; source of shorter Hebrew inscription
Context Isolated gravestone is at top right