Bessie BAGHER ( - 1906)

Cemetery Back River Memorial Gardens
Section Shaare Tefillah Old (Map: A8) List Overview
Location Section Shaare Tefillah Old Line 7 Grave 2 Map
Given Names Bessie
Surname BAGHER
Hebrew Text פ"נ הילדה הרכה מאנע(?) בת נח שהלכה לעולמה ביום ט' לחדש א....(אלול? אייר?).......
Hebrew Name Maneh? bat Noah
Hebrew Date 9 Elul? Iyar?
Translation Here lies the tender girl Maneh?, the daughter of Noah, died the 9th of ??
Death Date 1906 Dec 22
Father Noah
Comments/Notes Lamb on stone suggests a child; could be Bessie BACHER
Gravestone Hebrew-only