Abraham BAILY ( - 1901)

Cemetery Back River Memorial Gardens
Section B'nai Jacob Old (Map: A12) List Overview
Location Section B'nai Jacob Old Line 8A Grave 16 Map
Given Names Abraham
Surname BAILY
Hebrew Text פ"נ הילד אברהם נן משה אהרון נפטר בן י"ז חדשים כ"ד מנחם אב שנת תרסא תנצבה
Hebrew Name Avraham bar Moshe Aharon
Hebrew Date 24 Av 5661
Translation Here lies the boy Avraham, the son of Moshe Aharon, died aged 17 months, on the 24th of Av 5661
Death Date 1901 Aug 09
Death Age 17 months
Gravestone Hebrew-only, mouldy