Ethel GENSER (1852 - 1924)

Cemetery Back River Memorial Gardens
Section B'nai Jacob Old (Map: A12) List Overview
Location Section B'nai Jacob Old Line 19 Grave 22 Map
Given Names Ethel
Surname GENSER
Hebrew Text פ"נ אשה כשרה וצנועה מרת עטיל בת ר' דובער נפטרה בשם טוב בת ע"ב שנים י"ח תמוז תרפד תנצבה
Hebrew Name Etil bat Duber
Hebrew Date 18 Tammuz 5684
Translation Here lies a kosher and modest woman, Ms. Etil, the daughter of Duber, died with a good name, aged 72, on the 18th of Tammuz 5684
Birth Date 1852
Death Date 1924 Jul 20
Death Age 72
Gravestone Hebrew-only