Eate Sloove LETNEER (1849 - 1892)

Cemetery Back River Memorial Gardens
Section B'nai Jacob Old (Map: A12) List Overview
Location Section B'nai Jacob Old Line 17 Grave 10 Map
Given Names Eate Sloove
Hebrew Text פ"נ אשה חשובה י"ד מ' יוטא סלאווא בת מ' מרדכי אשת ר' יצחק ליטנער נפטרה יום שני של פסח שנת תרנג פה מאנטריאל תנצבה
Hebrew Name Yuta Sloova bat Mordechai
Hebrew Date 16 Nissan 5653
Translation Here lies an important woman, Yuta Sloova, the daughter of Mordechai, the wife of Yitzhak LITNER, died the 2nd day of Passover 5653 here in Montreal
Birth Date 1849
Death Date 1892 Apr 11
Death Age 43
Father Morris
Spouse LETNEER / LITNER, I. / Yitzhak
Comments/Notes Hebrew date corresponds to 1893-04-02