Joseph ALBERT (1825 - 1898)

Cemetery Back River Memorial Gardens
Section B'nai Jacob Old (Map: A12) List Overview
Location Section B'nai Jacob Old Line 10 Grave 4 Map
Given Names Joseph
Surname ALBERT
Hebrew Text פ"נ איש נכבד זקן שבע ימים ר' יוסף בר' יהושע עזב את עולמו בן שלשה ושבעים שנה והלך לארצות החיים לשכון במנוחתו כבוד נפטר......
Hebrew Name Yosef bar Yehoshua
Translation Here lies an honourable old man, full of years, Yosef the son of Yehoshua, left his world aged 73, and went to the heavens to dwell honourably in peace, died...
Birth Date 1825
Death Date 1898 Apr 11
Death Age 73
Gravestone broken, failed repair