Rebecca BERNATT ROTHSCHILD (1858 - 1892)

Cemetery Back River Memorial Gardens
Section B'nai Jacob Old (Map: A12) List Overview
Location Section BJo Line 12 Grave 2
Given Names Rebecca
Birth Surname BERNATT
Hebrew Text אבל כבד הה! מר ובכיון מלאכי מעלה ובכי תמרורים בכה אביהם ובעלה את השריפה אשר שרף ה' אם ובנה וביתה יחד בביתם הלב יחול כל מכיר אותם את האשה היקרה וישרה מרת רבקה בת ר' דוב בער צעירה לימים בת ל"ד שנה וביתה רייזל בת מנחם מענדיל בת ה' שנה וששה חדשים ובנה חנן בנימין בר מנחם מענדיל בן שנה וד' חדשים נשרפו ויצאה נשמתם באחד י"א שבט שנת תרנב תנצבה
Hebrew Date 11 Shevat 5652
Translation Deep sorrow! Weeping and gloominess have descended upon the angels above, and their husband and father are crying bitterly about God's fire which burned the mother, together with her son and daughter, in their home. The heart feels the pain of all who know them - the dear and righteous wife, Ms. Rivka, the daughter of Dov Ber, young in age at 34, her daughter Raizel, the daughter of Menachem Mendel, aged 5½, and her son Chanan Binyamin, the son of Menachem Mendel, aged 1 year and 4 months - burned together and their souls departed, on the 11th of Shevat 5652
Birth Date 1858
Death Date 1892 Feb 09
Death Place Mattawa, ON
Death Age 34
Spouse ROTHSCHILD, Manuel / Maniel
Relatives Maniel 1939 Burial
Comments/Notes Not a burial (no Po Nikbar) but a memorial to a wife, Rebecca, and two children, Raizel and Chanan Binyamin, who died in a fire in 1892. Husband remarried in 1907 and was buried in 1939 in the Shaar Hashomayim Cemetery. Memorial side of stone: In memory of Rebecca BERNATT, aged 34 years, beloved wife of Manuel ROTHSCHILD and their darling children, Rosie, aged 5 years and 6 months, Herbert Bismark, aged 1 year and 4 months, all who met their untimely death in the flames at Mattawa, ON, 1892-02-09.
Source Deaths for death of Maniel ROTHSCHILD 1862-03-17 to 1939-04-25;
+  Drouin for Shaar Hashomayim death record (attended by 3 sons)
Gravestone broken crown
Image Old photo
Document 1907 Marriage of widower Maniel

1939 Death of Maniel