53. Benjamin 'Ben' MARCOVITCH (1934-2020)
Born: Aug. 26, 1934
Died: May 7, 2020 G2H
Burial: May 10, 2020
Age: 85
Father: Moses Moishe Mother: KATZ, Celia Tzilla
Source: Drouin Shemerin Laboker brth record for parents Moses and Cillia [sic] KATZ, birth 1934-08-26;
+  Drouin Pinker Shul Kenyan Torah 1925-12-06 marriage of parents for Moses and Celia [signed] KATZ
Record Report Research
  • MotherName: Father's name was Moishe (Moses) and Mother's name was Tzilla (Celia) (2024 Apr 04)
  • EGBdH 06:15
    Retake: in row

    Records shown: 1